The Great Ethical Reckoning: A Crucial Moment for Investors and Consumers to SeparateThe last few years were cause for optimism — we saw a massive wave of companies embracing ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), DEI…Feb 18Feb 18
Are we ready for a future fabricated by biology?The promise that biology holds the answers to the world’s biggest problems feels almost too tantalising. Could a solution be this elegant?Nov 21, 2022Nov 21, 2022
Humble Bee Bio connects with the rocking world of synthetic biology.We attended the Global Synthetic Biology Conference hosted by Built with Biology in San Francisco. The conference brought together an…Apr 29, 2022Apr 29, 2022
Research collaboration developing sustainable textile coating inspired by beesIMCRC has granted Humble Bee Bio and Deakin University $70,000 to develop and sample nature-inspired replacement to harmful DWR coatingsApr 12, 2022Apr 12, 2022
“Are you going to have a baby and ruin my investment?”Returning from maternity leave, our founder, Veronica Stevenson, reflects on her experiences of running a company and getting pregnant.Mar 9, 2022Mar 9, 2022
Humble Bee Bio to use Ginkgo Bioworks Cell Development Kit to Advance Biomaterials ProductHumble Bee will leverage Ginkgo’s cell programming platform to build its custom microbe for the development of bioplastic material.Dec 19, 20211Dec 19, 20211
Plastic pollution is not your fault, and recycling wasn’t designed to work. Part two.Three movements to get behind to solve the pollution problem and add trillions to the global economy!Apr 4, 2021Apr 4, 2021
Recycling was never designed to work; it was designed to make us buy more. Part One.Convincing consumers and local governments to accept responsibility for plastic pollution is one of the biggest pieces of global…Apr 2, 20211Apr 2, 20211
What happens to your body on a plastic diet?Exposure to plastic adversely affects our health, but in ways that often go unnoticed until it is too late.Aug 18, 2020Aug 18, 2020